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Old 11-26-2019, 03:29 PM   #8
The Older Generation

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Re: Back Problem, Anyone Else Have This?

Originally Posted by mongocanfly View Post
My dad has the same symptoms....he went for MRI last fri...hes at the dr today for results ...I dont know what his diagnosis is just yet...theyve already tried shots and pills...
Please let me know how he gets along. Thanks

Originally Posted by leddzepp View Post
You need an mri to determine whether or not you have a herniated disk causing sciatica. Severe degenerative disk disease is a generic diagnosis common in the elderly population. It needs to be pinpointed to determine the best course of action; ie surgery, physical therapy, etc. Good luck Leon, it sucks for sure. I’ve had sciatica caused by disk herniation at L4-L5 for several years.
I fit the "elderly population" description for sure. I have an MRI scheduled for Dec. 6th for the final determination. Thanks Scott.

Originally Posted by GOPAPA View Post
Leon ,, my nephew just had this operation done for disc cartlage degeneration about 8 days ago
The doctor told him that he would not grow back more cartlage and by screwing these verabras like this will make the better disc above them and below them take the brunt of the load ..

Thanks Larry.

Originally Posted by Boog View Post
I have been told there is nothing good they can do for degenerative disks. Basically worn out. I hope they are wrong.
Unless they have come up with a new procedure lately that is probably still true....

Originally Posted by geezer#99 View Post
I’ve been plagued by lower back pain all of my 68 years.
I’ve had many different doctors try to determine the cause. Many xrays, mri’s, massages, pills, exercise programs and on and on. Tried all the cures. Still have pain every day. A little or a lot. I’ve found the best cure is to just keep chugging along.
All that has been found in my lower back is an undeveloped disc that the nerves for my left leg are close to. Not pinched, just close.
20 years ago I started getting left ankle pain. Felt like bone on bone grinding. My back was nagging me at the time. Suddenly a year later after limping along it just disappeared. Then a couple years later the left knee decided it was his turn. That’s been ongoing until now. My left hip joined the party off and on. Same bone on bone feeling.
My back pain does go away for awhile and then suddenly is back with a vengeance. Been like that for the last five years. New symptom cropped up in the last year. My left knee locks up and won’t support me. I drop enough to stagger along with a sharp pain. That’ll occur anytime. Sometimes it gets so bad I can’t walk. If I sit down in the right position right afterward then the pain might be gone completely. I’ve had that a couple times lately.
Best thing I’ve found is just keep chugging along. Sitting on my butt can just make it worse.

I’ve likely only got a few years to go before my ‘best before date’ arrives. I suspect the pain now will be minor compared to what’s in the future.
Ah! The golden years!
Funny thing is, I have never had any back pain, and still don't, just in my hip. I do as much as I can until the pain gets bad enough I can't walk. Dr. said my hip joints look really good.

Originally Posted by truckster View Post
I had an L3-L4 fusion 10 years ago. I deal with pain every day, but the surgery stopped the nerve damage from getting worse. It's just pain, and I can live with that. I still run in excess of 20 miles per week and I still work on cars, but sometimes after being hunched over an engine bay for a while it's really hard to stand up.

I now have stenosis (narrowing of the area around the nerves) at L4-L5. I had a cortisone injection several weeks ago but it didn't do anything for me. After my last surgery I have decided that the only way I'm having another fusion is if I have to do it to avoid losing mobility.

Good luck to you. There really don't seem to be any good solutions out there.
Thanks. for the reply.


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