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Old 12-08-2019, 07:48 PM   #21
The Older Generation

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Re: Back Problem, Anyone Else Have This?

Originally Posted by 68Timber View Post
Don't discount the PT, it may help. As others have said, keeping moving helps. I was going to have to get shoulder surgery last year but had a complication that set it back. The doc sent me to PT instead and I ended up not needing surgery. Yet, anyway. I did take a lot of CBD for a year, but so far I've been good. Hope it works for you.
I have had 4 sessions, 2 sessions left, one tomorrow and one Thursday. So far no change.

Originally Posted by lobuck64 View Post
Same here L4&L5 had several mri's but CT scan showed nerve being pinched by disc if I bent or moved wrong way surgery was questionable because it was so close did pt and chiropractor visits they give me exercises to do it helps just learned to live with it take ibuprofen from time to time changed how I lift things use my tractor and engine host lot more hope you find some relief I know how you feel
I try to keep moving but I usually don't last long. I have been taking Aleve and that seems to help some. I had an MRI last Wednesday afternoon but haven't heard back from the Dr. yet. Hopefully tomorrow.

Originally Posted by wixthedog View Post
While not a replacement for injuries that may require surgery I have had outstanding luck with a group called Airrosti. They focus on the exomuscular system and since seeing them for back pain several years ago I have not had any since. I have turned several friends to them as well and they all had similar results.

Their work is horribly painful, typically takes three visits, but it's worth every penny.
Thanks for that. I looked it up and the closest one to me is in Cincinnati, OHIO. I really can't travel that far.

Originally Posted by The Rocknrod View Post
Not the same Pain but - I had lower back issues for many years. When I was in Canada I went to a chiropractor and he explained that there are four muscles around the lower spine, two inside (toward the belly button) and two outside. The ones inside get strained and cause pain like a knife or being hit by a bat.
He had me get used to sucking in my stomach every time I sit down, stand up, bend over etc. It not only strengthen those muscles but it causes them to support you as they should and not get strained and cause that pain.
It's been few and far between having that kind of pain, only when I forget.
I've told many people and it's helped them. Try it.

I will try that. My pain is not in my back though, it is in my hip. It started out just when I did certain things but now it is pretty much all the time. Thanks.

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I took a 24' fall in Oct '86 that landed me on my back, then bounced me into laying face down. Thankfully the ground was moist clay (house lot cut into the woods) and I missed all the rubble. I broke a transverse process and have had lower back pain ever since. It comes in various forms off and on. I changed how I do many things, but continued in the same line of work (siding contractor) another 20 years, and have stayed active. I mostly live with the stiffness, general soreness, occasional piercing pain, a bit of burning behind one knee time to time, and even numbness in fingers and such. I did a chiropractor at first, but after x-rays 6 months later he referred me to an orthopedic surgeon. I decided to take a chance, not knowing if I was being foolish, and just carry on.

Nothing hurts when I'm doing anything, but it can taek to me a day or two later. Usually I know it's coming by the stiffness. Driving around all day can bother my back more than working. I took a trip to AZ in my camper truck and feared I might end up laying in the camper after a while, but I was fine. After two weeks of no work my back felt fantastic. I'm still dealing with it and honestly feel it is the least of my pains now, for the most part. I have periods with no pain at all. I'll take an Advil for the inflammation when it feels like a pinched nerve, a few times a year.

I think I'm lucky. Only once, at least 20 years ago, did I have my leg go out from sciatic pain. Burning all the way up and down and it hurt. I lifted my left onto the recliner, took an Advil, kids gathered the crutches, and I figured a call to the doctor in the morning was due. When I went to get up later on, all was good, Advil took that pressure down, and I walked up to bed.

Now, just this late summer, I went to paint the steel roof on my carport on the front slope, 12'w x 5'l. I was standing up bending down running a cup brush on the mini-grinder over it, then I primed and did 1st coat using a roller with no ext. handle. The next morning I was struck with sciatic pain all the way up and down when getting up after first time sitting. I held my leg straight as a peg as I got u to standing and shook it out, hobbled downstairs, fixed a coffee, and took a 1 mile walk that made it go away. I still had a lot more to do on that roof. The back section is 20' long. I rolled out the top coat on the front using an ext. handle but still bent over some, and that's all I did that day. Same thing the next day. I did the big section on my knees (w/pads) with my free hand down and used a palm sand. I used a long ext. on the roller so I was standing up straight. That worked out well.

So now that issue is lingering waiting to happen again. I'm bending my knees when I bend over and that helps, but mostly I am avoiding doing things at my feet or squatting/kneeling when I do. I still feel that tightness behind my knee ready to grip my leg again time to time. I'm hoping it will settle down if I keep minding it. Just another thing I have to watch in my actions I figure

I don't remember injuring my back, but I did have a whiplash type injury many years ago. My back has never bothered me. I'm thinking this is a Sciatic problem but we will see what the Doc says when he calls.

Thanks Guys,

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