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Old 12-13-2019, 01:52 PM   #132
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Re: A '54 named Busty

Originally Posted by dsraven View Post
how much CO is allowed into the cab when idling in a parking lot chatting with some buddies because the exhaust drops out right under the truck? end of rant.
Actually had precision calibrated instrumentation available as part of my toxicology work to measure air quality in the cab. Even with previous engine and single exhaust out near axle mine was getting substantial CO readings. Forget exact PPMs but when stopped it was pretty high like in 100s if now winds or ventilation. Now with the in cab tanks the total volatile levels (as benzene) were always high. I actually do recall 15-30 PPM driving and sometimes in the thousands of PPM stopped. Some might be from cars in front but reading taken with cab closed up. Scary part is actually being "off scale" right after fill ups. This, with all new rubber, clamps and no visible leakage. Instruments proved even if you can't smell it - it may still be there. Benzene is the major component of gasoline BTW. Google it if you haven't already. Its just the way it is and always played way done ( or not mentioned) by the petroleum industry as we would have no gas powered cars is the truth was commonly known.
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