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Old 12-16-2019, 11:16 AM   #21
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Re: Winter Caught Some Napping

There was a new policy that came out a couple years ago. Since I have the capability to work from home, I no longer get snow days. I'm expected to take my laptop home if it is expected to snow. If it is delayed, we come into the office late. I just take off. When we get let out early it is usually right after lunch. If it looks like we are getting let out early, I take off at the beginning of the lunch break to avoid the rush.

Most snows are only a couple inches. Might get 2-3 a year. Once every 10 years we get a 2 foot blizzard. I can get around most snows around here just fine, but I'd rather not go out unless I have a good reason for it. Not like I really leave the house much anyway. It's not me that i'm worried about, it's everyone else around me.

There seem to be 3 types of people. Extremely over-cautious, don't care, and somewhat level headed. Driving into work in the morning after a dusting of snow on the ground, there will always be someone in the left lane driving 35 mph with their hazards on while everyone else is doing 50+ mph around them just fine. Good luck getting around if you get stuck behind them. Most people don't change their driving habits for the snow. Anytime I venture out when there is a couple inches of snow, the streets are always full of people stuck that I need to maneuver around. I'll see people trying to get their FWD car out of the driveway, when the snow is up to their bumper. Where are they even expecting to go? With all the spray, salt, and plows, even my cul-de-sac is plowed within 2-3 days after a blizzard.
1970 C20 Custom Camper - 350, TH350
1997 GMC Suburban
1994 Acura Integra GSR
1987 Dodge Daytona Shelby Z
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