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Old 06-15-2004, 05:17 AM   #14
Stepsides 4Ever
Stepsides Are Bedder
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Norco, CA
Posts: 238
Been married for 35+ years to the same woman. You better believe we fight, tooth and nail. It's normal...we are two different people, not to mention two different sexes with two different outlooks. You have to learn to fight disrespect, no name-calling, no bringing up the past, no hands-on kind of stuff...basically, nothing that you will be ashamed of when you look into the mirror in the morning, because, God willing, there will be another morning. Some day, there won't, for all of us. And, most important, no holding grudges...when the sun rises on a new day, it is meant to be a new beginning, and the slate is wiped clean. Be slow to anger, quick to forgive. Don't be carrying on this crap for days and ain't worth it. She fights for what she believes in, every bit as much as I do. There is no one on this Earth that I would rather fight with, and I hope the Lord gives me another 35 years with her to continue to work out our differences. I'm sure there are couples out there that never have had even one disagreement, but this is what they call fireworks...passion...I married a woman with spunk. I don't know about you, but I want a woman that will stand up for what she thinks is right, even if it is me that she is standing against. Sometimes I think she may have even more cajones than I do, but sometimes that is what it takes in this modern world to be a woman. I guess we could all go to places like Iraq or Afghanistan, where woman are treated as second-class citizens, but what is the fun in that?

She was probably just yanking your chain, but you know what? Let her have the truck. Get yourself a nicer one. Get shed of her, whatever it takes. Better to find out now that it isn't right than 10 or 20 years from now.
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