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Old 01-31-2020, 01:16 PM   #3
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Re: Hood modified for breather clearance

With the hole cut now we need to fold a flange to wrap around the 1/8 wire. The linear stretch hammer and a heel dolly is used to stretch the flange that will be folded down, then a tipping tool takes the flange down about halfway. Then I needed to get in the thick of things, further stretching and hammering over to a 90* flange, all while checking the crown around the hole to ensure consistent stretch of the flange.

Once the flange is folded, the Lennox is used to add the joggle for our wired edge..

Bottom side....

Top side....

Our 1/8 stainless wire "ring" was formed using our tubing roller, the tool shown here in the vise when we were bending fuel line a few months back....

The ring was then sized to fit, ends TIG welded together, filed, and media blasted for paint adhesion. The channel and surrounding area was abraded with some 120 grit and some SPI epoxy brushed into the channel. The wire gets laid into the channel and another brush coat on any bare spots. Then the flange is staked down using the linear stretch hammer to hold the wire in position...

Then the flange is hammered over as we did previously with our test sample.

After our initial coat of primer had dried, we brushed around the perimeter to seal the wire and flange.

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