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Old 02-13-2020, 07:13 PM   #242
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Re: 57 Chevy Wagon - Californa Dreamin'

Originally Posted by jlsanborn View Post
Adapt and overcome. Seats look nice!
Thanks, John!
Originally Posted by Low Elco View Post
seats look awesome!
Thanks, Chip, new color on the firewall and interior of the black truck looked great when I was over with Boppa the other day. Like you, I'd appreciate some good painting weather instead of this single digit crapola.

The brown truck showed up today with new fenders for the wagon. I dug the originals out of storage a couple of weeks ago and decided the effort to repair them wouldn't be worth it. The areas around the headlight bezels needed a LOT of attention as well as places I'd previously patched. Summit had a great deal on the Danchuk fenders, so I popped for them and will swap meet the OEM stuff. Unfortunately, the new RH fender had a really ugly fold in it so it went back. Spent about a half hour on the phone with a nice lady at Summit CS. She handled the claim number the UPS driver gave me as well as placed the order for the replacement fender. Always something.

I got the rear inner wheelwells smoothed out and ready for upholstery - not that that will happen anytime soon. I also rigged up a hinged cover to allow access to the EFI pump in the fuel tank. Not gonna get hung out to dry like I did with my last project.

I contacted a company about doing spray chrome on the grille bar. I'm also waiting to hear from a local sign shop that does wraps to see if they think they can do chrome vinyl on it. I'm concerned that the fine detail around the emblem in the center may be beyond the limits of the material. That said, the guys that work with that stuff do some amazing things. We'll see what they have to say.

Monday is predicted to be a bit warmer so I'm hoping I can get Feather Fill on some of the pieces. I have about an hour of work left on the rear hatch and the body work should be complete... except for stuff I've probably overlooked.
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57 Chevy Wagon - California Dreamin'"Mecum'd" 9/2022 Dallas, TX
Crusty Rusty Leaky Squeaky 67 Consigned 4/2019 Dresden, Germany
Maybelline - my '57 Ford 2dr Sedan "Mecum'd" 3/2016 Location unknown
Silver Streaker "Mecum'd" 4/2013 Somewhere in Texas
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