Thread: OEM Windsheild
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Old 02-20-2020, 10:30 AM   #17
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Re: OEM Windsheild

I have dabbled in glass scratch removal without much success. I concluded it best left for one with good experience in performing the task. This will likely cost more than new glass. The problem comes from using the proper glass specific polish (don't believe the web when it says toothpaste works) and a high speed buffing tool (to keep you from rubbing your arms off for the rest of your life). Where it gets sketchy is that heat will be built up during the process and to much heat in an area causes the glass to crack and you can't buff that out. I found that very, very light scratches that wold be seen as a haze could be improved, but the actual linear scratches that you commonly see where someone ran wipers without rubbers or hit the glass with a wire wheel are not coming out without leaving a wrinkle in the glass due to having to buff so deep to remove the scratch. This would be unacceptable for me considering how much time it would take to remove the scratch, the wrinkle itself, and the risk of wasting that time due to cracking the glass.

EDIT: Be aware that original or very old glass may have had the lamination separated around the edges. This is not too big of a deal until it draws moisture and the outer perimeter of the glass fogs up. I bought a used windshield many years ago that had, what appeared to be, nice antiquing along the bottom and sides that I thought I would use in my truck...after many years in storage the "antiquing" disappeared (or dried up). I have decided not to use it for fear that it would fog back up irregularly.

I will be looking for the pilkington glass, precision seal, along with plenty of windshield sealer.
He who is without oil shall throw the first rod. Compressions 8.7:1

1972 C10
1976 C10 (parts truck)
1985 K20

Last edited by sick472; 02-20-2020 at 10:37 AM.
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