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Old 03-13-2020, 07:25 AM   #33
Jeff's bowtie's
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Re: High Octane membership

Originally Posted by w314speed View Post
I upgraded to High Octane which was to be for a year. At the anniversary of my Premium membership, I was reverted back to Premium, which was prior to a year of High Octane? Had a lot going on in life and I just stopped doing much on the board. I can't PM Liz to see where I stand. Maybe she will review this and contact me! Thanks, Dan
I think this is what happened to me just a week ago I had a note at the top of the screen saying my premium membership was about to expire so I sent $25.00 in to renew it then decided to upgrade to high octane a day later sent $15.00 for one month high octane status which changed me to red then on March 12 the board takes another $25.00 out for automatic premium renewal and now I’m back to blue so I’ve paid $65.00 dollars in the past few days and only get 2 days high octane status?
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