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Old 03-23-2020, 06:20 PM   #7
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Re: beginner painting

Who's got a video youtibe link or thread to good overall painting process. I think the thing that confuses me most even after watching and reading is how to know when the base surface is sanded enough for primer. I don't plan to take down to metal .... in fact I think the PO already did the body skim coat work and primed it with a black primer of sorts ...... so it looks fairly clean ...... but unsure how much to sand back and when to know when to stop.

I see the cris-cross pattern for high/lows ......... but in terms of making sure smooth enough for primer ..... and then going again with sanding.

Most people say you need a 10+CFM compressor with a 60 gallon+ tank. Kinda pricey.

I have this right now.
5.3 CFM @ 90 PSI
6.2 CFM @ 40 PSI
Gun says 6 CFM @ 40 PSI

With a pressure regualator at gun (60psi) as well as a water filter/collector etc ..... seems like as long as you do panel by panel ...... might be ok ?

Or better to just sell and get something better - any recommendations ?

Good - but not expensive paint recommendations (brands).
Obviously it will be my first paint job ....... so its not going tobe great. But I dont want to guess if it was the paint I bought or not -- but at same time not buy top shelf at 5x the price.

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