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Old 04-11-2020, 10:10 AM   #17
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Re: 283 carb choice.

I bought that car when I was 16 for $40 with a transmission in the trunk. I remember the guy's kids trying to ram it into place. I towed it home and found the torque converter knob too big to fit the end of the crank. Therefore I found out the engine was a 272 which used an air cooled torque converter but after having a machine shop cut the knob off and me welding in a another I was good to go. The engine was probably from a 55 or 56 and had Thunderbird written on the valve covers if that meant anything, I do not know.

There're lots of straight aways around Quesnel and it would do 105 any day of the week. Pretty scary though as it floated along and felt like it was going to go airborne. Probably it wasn't safe past 70.

Maybe I would have gotten into the Chevy V-8's sooner but my dad never bought any. He liked sixes and standards. Our 55 wagon had three on the tree and I believe a 261, although people say it would have been a 235. Our 216's in farm vehicles did get changed out to 235's

Good luck with the carbs Marty68.

Last edited by vince1; 04-11-2020 at 12:56 PM.
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