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Old 05-01-2020, 09:49 AM   #4
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Well, well, well would you looky here....

Woodys Rebirth by Paul Yewman, on Flickr
First things first a bit of fresh air...

Woody out of the garage by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

A re introduction to phase 1a of motive power...

Motive power by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

Balanced precariously to check for interference.

Balanced precariously by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

Passenger side

Passenger side by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

Drivers side, with manifold removed

Drivers side by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

With the manifold in place will have to move the brake bias but no big deal.

Drivers manifold by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

But the best news is I can move the whole engine down about 3-4 inches and back about 6 so good for ground clearance and weight distribution.
So with my memory refreshed time to start the rebuild..

...By taking the cab off with the aid of #3 son and Martins cab remover tool

Cab half off by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

Ta Da!

Cab off by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

Cab resting safely on a little trolley I made out of Tool Station casters, a pallet and a bit of old fence post. Took me longer to make that than to get the cab off!

Trolley by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

Chassis tucked safely away back in the garage ready for strip down, clean, paint and boxing

All alone by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

And the expensive casters earning their money as it is wheeled into its new home while I get on with the dirty stuff.

Resting by Paul Yewman, on Flickr

I have purchased quite a few components over the last few years to finally get poor old Woody back on the road by the end of the year, fuel tank, fuel fittings, fuel pump, Cam, etc. Next big expenditure is going to be a gearbox so watching the £/$ rate with interest...

Lets hope my next update is not in another 4 years.

Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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