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Old 06-01-2020, 02:06 PM   #8
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Re: Jeep Steering shaft

Since real steering shafts seem to be a unicorn right now here in Canada (have not come across an intact jeep front end in the wreckers for a while now) amazon canada is out of stock, and has been for some time, summit is also doing drop shipping right now on this so I don't hold any hope for that either. Other than rockauto, other U.S. sources are out of the question by the time shipping and all gets factored in.

Being the unicorn it is, I cast my eye towards Dorman because unremarkably enough those are available everywhere. You'll notice the completely different construction on this one, rubber boot and probably slip joint under that boot.
Dorman 1984-1994 Cherokee Shaft;

Has anyone had this shaft in their hands to see if this has enough slip to work on the square body? Is the short end long enough to support cutting down the long half if it came down to it. Yeah, we know about dorman quality, but like most things dormans, last resort is better than no resort.

[edit, looking at current amazon canada pricing dorman ain't happening either at $394.67. Might as well wait for summit to get the crown back in stock.]
[edit 2: dorman suddenly turned into gold? steady yourself; $517.59 at Napa Canada]
[edit 2.5 Mother Mopar doesn't even list a steering shaft as available]

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Last edited by Axle; 06-01-2020 at 02:37 PM.
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