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Old 06-09-2020, 05:52 PM   #4
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Re: GRIZZ’s ‘79 - 2WD BLAZER Challenge over in London, England. “~It’s not a Project

Hey Grizz, I enjoy your day-in-the-life-of posts. I have never been to the UK and it's cool to me to see the differences. And the similarities. Also, hearing about what you like about the US.

Where you live is beautiful. Thames, beach, fields, your home and garden. I can't quite get the layout in my head because there seem to be so many nooks and crannies but I like how you fix and maintain on it over time.

Sorry about the loss of Harley. Grew up with cats and have never been a huge fan but would have loved a cat like that.

A huge theme in your thread is the giving/sharing/finding things for others. Sometimes you snag something that I bet you would like to keep but you pass it along to someone who will like it even more -- outstanding.

I will now be following along. I forget to pop over here to the burban/blazer side very often, but will more now so that I can keep up.
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