Thread: The Rules
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Old 06-12-2020, 11:25 PM   #85
Who Changed This?
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Re: The Rules

Originally Posted by Stocker View Post
I guess it's a miracle any of us lived to see our teen years. Besides your pocketknife, a heck of a lot of us had BB guns. It used to be a normal part of being a kid. (You'll shoot your eye out!)
IK,R? All the stuff I did as a kid, I'm amazed that I still I have my vision, hearing, and all my fingers and toes. Though I have tinnitus from the unprotected shooting of guns (.22s) and macular degeneration from watching magnesium burn. NB- magnesium emits UV light when it burns, and that light will damage your eyes. What did we know, when we were 14 or so? I should make a journal of the crazy things I did as a kid, but it would just give the next generation some ideas.

Here's one that one of my sons managed to pull. I was a member of the National Association of Rocketry for many years, and had a high power rocket. I used to volunteer for the BSA, and we launched a ton (exaggeration) of rockets. I had a lot of "motors". My eldest son got hold of one and taped it to the top of a "Hot Wheels" car, lit it with a match, and ran it down the hall way in our addition. That was about 36', from the start to the back wall of the master bedroom, where it hit the wall. I got home right after it happened, and opened some windows, since the smoke is toxic. Grandma had no clue what he was doing. Here's a picture of my high power rocket on its maiden voyage. It's a 1/4-scale model of an AMRAAM (AIM-120D) "Slammer". It's pretty well detailed, since I was on business travel to Florida doing launch processing of our satellite, and had some time on my hands.
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