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Old 06-13-2020, 08:59 PM   #43
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Re: S10 Frame Swap on 47-53 - Would you do it again?

No, I get it just fine. You don’t get that you are in a thread spamming an answer to a question that is not being asked. You also don’t seem to have any hands on experience with any vehicle newer than 1993, let alone anything that can actually handle and stop. Nobody here that is looking to frame swap or even subframe/clip their truck is looking for advice from someone who thinks 4 wheel drums are great, and whose research consists of “I didn’t get into an accident once” and admittedly engages in dangerous practices on the highway.

I am driving MY car on the road, but I share that road with countless others. I rely on others to keep their car in good operating condition to not be a hazard or dangerous, and I do my part my doing the same. Also, a semi truck has brakes about 16” in diameter and 7” wide, and are air actuated, and have a braking system engineered for the load and speed they are carrying. Quite a bit more stopping capability than you would imagine. My daily driver has brakes that work so well, you’d wonder how the seat belts are capable of taking that kind of force. It’s pretty stupid IMO to leave that to chance when the technology is inexpensive and easy to retrofit.
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