Thread: S10 Swap how to
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Old 06-21-2020, 08:19 PM   #2
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Re: S10 Swap how to

A quick (and hopefully easy) question regarding the S10 swap steering hookup. I am trying to connect the base of my S10 column to the steering box, and I have a nice, straight, interference free route between the two points, with the exception of one spot. My power steering pump low pressure fitting is directly in the path of the steering shaft:

I realize that I can route the shaft either under or above that fitting, but that would require another universal joint, along with a heim joint and support bracket to the frame. It would be neater (and far cheaper) to slightly move the power steering pump fitting. Has anyone modified that power steering pump steel tube to point in another direction, and if so, how did you do it? It seems to be permanently affixed where it enters the reservoir, and I know that if I just try to bend it I will end up with a kinked or cracked line. Any advice from the sages?

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