Thread: Skunks!!
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Old 07-02-2020, 10:44 AM   #24
Dead Parrot
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Re: Skunks!!

Chicken coops are a skunk magnet. Guess that garbage is as well. As a kid, we lived next to some Nuns that raised chickens. Every month or so a new skunk would show up looking for easy eggs. Our two Welsh Terriers found the fun of killing the skunk out weighed the pain from being sprayed. They would play with it until it ran out of spray, then kill it and bring it home as a 'gift' This meant that each dog got sprayed several times. The Nuns liked those dogs as they did a far better job of varmint control then their own so called watch dogs. The other side of our property bordered on a 160 acre combo cattle ranch + wheat farm so there was a near endless supply of skunks.
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