Thread: Story time
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Old 07-13-2020, 09:14 PM   #21
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Re: Story time

Originally Posted by shifty View Post
LOL@ CG's avatar.

Hey Liz, sorry to hear what you're going thru, but I'm happy to hear this chapter is done with and some of your stuff came back. I had to walk away from all the social media stuff, it's tearing my family apart, I swear Facebook is dividing my family almost as much as it is this country.

I've been over here in a funk myself, we lost two family members to this 'rona BS already and one of our close friends down in FL got suckerpunched for wearing a face mask about a mile from his house (central FL). We assume it was politically motivated, he heard someone yell "hey libtard, nice mask", went to turn around and *bonk* doesn't remember anything else. Came to surrounded by people and paramedics, cracked jaw and minus two teeth. Stupid part is, had the mask on because he's got an autoimmune disorder and can't afford to get sick.

Anyway, point being: This world seems like it's going to hell in a handbasket. Despite all the nonsense happening, I hope you and all y'all other folks on here are doing alright and wish you all the best of health. Looking forward to better times, hoping 2021 is better year than this one.

They say "hindisght's 20/20", but I can't wait until 2020 is in my hindsight.
I hope everything gets better for you. Miss our yearly hey you still breathing txt lmbo
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