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Old 07-19-2020, 08:40 AM   #697
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Re: GRIZZ’s ‘79 - 2WD BLAZER Challenge over in London, England. “~It’s not a Project

So this week I have been kinda held back a bit.....

By what I assume is a bacterial skin infection on my nose and one eye.

Possibly from the sand and cement work, wiping my nose when there were Thunderbugs about, and with a grain of sand cutting my skin microscopically.

Started off on the tip of my nose, feeling like a pimple developing, red, sensitive.

Eye scratchy, maybe a sty ?

Ignored it but by Tuesday things were turning nasty and the tip of my nose looking like Pinocchio was a relative, and seemed like cellulitis, eye sore enough to go get eye drops.

Thursdays I actually felt quite rubbish, and by 10.00am on Friday I called in sick, also called my GP surgery that was closed down by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) on the 24th June for posing a threat to patients.

So I got a telephonic consultation at 4.45 booked with a covering Locum.

It took all of 6 minutes to have antibiotics prescribed and some eye ointment that I am clearly allergic to, based on one photo I had sent to the practice.

It looked and felt worse by Saturday but I am hoping the antibiotics work.

So my building type work has been scaled down a bit for a few days, and I am wearing shaded safety glasses outside, as it helps with the glare of the sun.

As is known by now, randomness here is often just to share some of the treasures on your dooorsteps, or to even broaden your horizons.

Saturday morning 08.00 Sally and I ran down to Chatham High street in the Galaxy to buy some stuff at our two favourite Turkish food shops.

Prices are better, and the selection is great.

I also love being able to select and order my cut of meat in a real butcher.

So a BBQ for us and Andy the welder/lodger was on the cards.

T-Bones ordered, slightly thinner than we usually order because we had other stuff to add.

Sally got some treats for the girls at work, including amazing Baclava, then off to shop no 2

Andy had asked for some bottled Jalapeño peppers. Cheap there.

Some interesting spices, its also where I get my Cajun and mixed Spices.

Now for our European pallets some of this stuff may seem weird or just wrong, but you may find if you tried it, it was good.

Anyway....... As kids, we certainly ate chicken feet, heads, gizzards etc, because growing up poor, meant making the best of a bad situation.

Bulk butcher.

Seafood, really cheap too.

What rice did you want?

Also an amazing selection of cheap, fresh fruit and vegetables.

£1.00 pack, Bargain city.

Then back home to do some smaller tasks, and take paving stones in the Galaxy over to Sallys place with Andy who got in early from work and was helping.

The day was going to get better.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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