Thread: Safety Updates
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Old 08-01-2020, 12:37 AM   #21
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Re: Safety Updates

I'm not a parent, and I don't drive where you live or know the teen in question, but I would think really hard about making an old truck into a daily driver for a new driver. I wrecked my first car in a no fault accident and I had a perfect driving test and was relatively risk adverse.

A crash is just a matter of when, and there are no replacements for crumple zones, airbags, door impact bars, and rollover protection. My neighbor totalled his 1971 Chevy truck, and hurt himself in our 20mph zone a couple blocks from his house. The truck was mangled (bent frame and crumpled cab) after getting hit at a 4 way intersection. I don't want to even imagine freeway speeds.

If she wants it as a project and to cruise around, that's a different story!
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