Thread: Johns 66
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Old 08-12-2020, 04:59 PM   #15
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Re: Johns 66

Originally Posted by Johns 66 View Post
Its funny how things get put into perspective. Yesterday I was supposed to start a construction project with the grade work. When I arrived at the job site I saw a brand new excavator on its side. It slid on the metal ramps as they were unloading it....needless to say no grade work was done. Thankfully noone was hurt just some bumps and bruises.
The owner was of course upset, but I reminded him the Good Lord is in control and for some reason this happened even though we may not ever know why.....Im sure it was little comfort seeing a brand new 300k machine on its side.

So as I drove home it made me think about my truck and the issues that I have had with my bolts disappearing, the primer that cracked etc.....all small things in the grand scheme.

A couple of weeks ago I reached out to a company 4-5-6 Chevy Trucks, concerning my bolts. I knew they had plenty of parts I reached out to Tony. I had heard bad things about them, but after an email or 2 I sent him the money and he promised to send me some bolts for my truck....Well when I didnt hear from him I was like...yep I got took AGAIN. but I emailed him again and he explained some of the issues he was going through and promised to get me some bolts.

Well today when the mail ran....guess what? I got the bolts and I mean I got ALL the bolts.....every bolt that I need best I can tell. Not only did I get every bolts, each bolts set was tags and packaged individually, each bolt is either zinc coated, stainless or black phosphate....It was a nice surprise...I was so excited I called Andy...LOL.

All bolts are original bolts that have been refurbished, and its funny as I looked at them I knew exactly where they go.....

Im so excited to be getting back on my truck.....Its rained here in the evenings so cant really do a whole bunch but Ill get the cab off next week and get it to the body shop..and Ill get the chassis done
I know Tony was on this site for a while & then things went South. Not sure of the details nor did I care. I recently came across him on IG & started following.

Cool to see people helping people.
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It's like a highly skilled Morrocan sword fighter with a Damascus Steel Scimitar.....

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