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Old 09-24-2020, 02:22 PM   #9
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Re: What did you do to your truck today.The 3rd chapter

Finished the hood and got it installed. The hood was in bad shape before I tackled it and I made it worse but pressed on. One corner was bashed in and poorly repaired with lots of mud...that repair went ok. But, the other corner had lots of body filler and some high spots. I did a little hammer and dolly work trying to knock the high spots down only to create oil can issues. I ended up chasing the oil canning from front to back of hood. Of course, this took the curvature out of the panel...sooooo, what is one to do but slice the hood from front to back and weld it back together. That got rid of the oil can, but resulted in more body filler than I started with. But, at least it is less than 1/4" thick anywhere. I got stubborn and would not let the hood beat me especially since new hoods are at least $600 to my door and then would have to be "fit". Ugh!

Oh, I also put the curvature back into the hood spine...that operation went flawless and was rather easy.

Before: Template shows where corner should have been

During: Slice was necessary to get metal back out where it belonged.

After: Looks good, don't tell anyone what lurks underneath. i feel like a mud sculptor. Hood is not latched closed yet...still need to adjust.
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