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Old 10-18-2020, 06:05 AM   #4
Dead Parrot
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Re: Vehicle security

If the main concern is someone taking the vehicle, #1 is park in a place where a wrecker can't easily load it up. Some security cameras pointed at the truck. One or two obvious ones and at least one well hidden. A motion sensitive light as well.

As for on vehicle stuff, as others have said, if the thief wants it, they will take it. The basic make noise alarm is a good start. Sadly, experienced thieves know most of the good hiding spots for kill switches but a kill switch might trip up a kid.

Might see if you can find a dash cam with GPS that you can access via a remote device. Concealed well enough and the thief might miss it on their first pass. Downside is the Internet knows everywhere you drive.

If your security measures make using the vehicle a PITA for you, you will quit using them.

I have seen some tire shops be able to spin off a security lug just by jamming a socket on one hard and firing up the air gun.
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