Thread: 55.2-59 New versus old safety
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Old 10-30-2020, 05:22 PM   #12
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Re: New versus old safety

mr48, thats what I' talking about. think it through before you build. it's partly why quality shops actually have a plan and concept drawings.
as a side bar on the defensive driving thing, drive a motorcycle in the city for a bit, you will be waaaaay more aware of what's happening around you, whose brake lights are on 5 cars ahead, who is waiting in the turn lane in oncoming traffic, whether or not the guy directly in front of you is driving or texting, eating breakfast with both hands, putting her make up on, shaving, reading a full size paper map, digging for something in her purse, yelling at the kids in the back seat while turned fully around, etc. I could go on. seen all of those though. prolly guilty of a few myself, ok, not the make up or purse parts, haha.
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