Thread: off it goes
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Old 11-01-2020, 04:08 PM   #8
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Re: off it goes

thanks so much for all the kind words guys...It was a long process with all my own money, (no sponsorship dollars ). I have had some nice cars over the years but truly nothing to this level, I wanted something perfect and think we nailed it, at least 99.9 anyway. It did take a long time with lots of times wanting to throw in the towel, like mentioned in a previous goes on as well through this process. We still like to vacation in the Caribbean a couple times a year as well as weekend outings and dinners, my wife and I make good money but are not high people by any means, so it was stretched out over the years to be able to keep the build going and enjoy other things as well. Over the time building it we stopped for a bit on the build thinking the truck was possibly sold to a famous entertainer, which never did transpire. I also lost my mother from Pancreatic Cancer, lost my sister due to infection in her system and my sister in law to Cancer as well. My mom helped us the night we loaded it to go to my buddies to start the build, wish she was here to see the final outcome. (you can just see the top of her head in the pic above the box)
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