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Old 12-04-2020, 09:32 PM   #22
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Location: Santa Paula, CA
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Re: '72 c10 front suspension question

Bigbird05, now that's what I'm talking about! That's the kind of info I was looking for regarding bad belts in tires. Both of the tires that were on the rear of my truck rolled just as you described when I rotated them to the front of my truck. I tried showing my dad but he didnt know what it meant either. I knew something was up with them. I wonder if it's because I put posi and new ring/gear set in the truck. Along with rebuilding the trans with Shift kit. Plus adding traction bars. Hmmm..... LOL. Well, makes sense to me.
On a side note this situation is on the back burner. I caught something that has taken me out of commission. I been in bed since Tuesday and I dont feel the least bit better. I cant say for sure what it is, but I'm treating it like the 5 letter C-word. Of course a test will tell me. If I had the energy to make it to my truck and drive the next city over and wait 2 1/2hrs in line. I have a hard time just getting up to use the restroom. I'm only 34 yrs old. 6foot and 210lbs. And I feel completely wiped out. On Monday I demo'd an entire family room of drywall hefted it out to the dump trailer all by myself. Tuesday I knocked out all the stucco and tossed that by myself too. Tuesday night I almost passed out going up 2 flights of stairs to my room. Been here in bed ever since. Feel about 1% better today than I did on Tuesday. So as soon as I'm back on my feet. I'm heading to the tire shop.
1972 C/10 LWB - Mine
1964 C/10 LWB - My Dad's

Instagram: Mike_The_Grad
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