Thread: S10 Swap how to
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Old 12-05-2020, 02:30 PM   #13
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Re: S10 Swap how to

Joedoh, I am juggling my needs in that spot and trying to figure out the best balance with the least fancy fab work (while considering access for future maintenance and repairs). That spot on the passenger firewall is also the pass-through for the heater lines (which are pretty big and they are what actually hold that old Mopar heater in place), so if I put stuff there I will have to figure out a different system for the heater. I am trying to decide whether or not it’s easier to put the battery under the bed floor (and build a door in the steel bed that lifts up to allow easy battery maintenance or removal), as opposed to trying to shoehorn stuff under the hood. As always I welcome input from those that have actually conquered one of these swaps!
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