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Old 12-16-2020, 06:54 PM   #11
Just call me Sean
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Re: New to me 99 tahoe classic

Originally Posted by LT7A View Post
Thanks for the responses fellas. I can see the humor now that I know what was intended. But initially, it looked like you were insulting 71s choice and laughing about it. His response certainly reads like he was defending his choice.

Sean, you might want to consider, that instead of questioning my ability to appreciate humor, that maybe your attempt wasn't received as such, through no fault of my own. Emojis can be interpreted differently, but the words were pretty blunt. There was a chance to say something that was actually funny, no emoji, because it's pretty ironic that he took out the stereo you used to replace the stock one, so that he could put the stock on back in.
Thanks for practically calling me a jerk and making me feel bad for trying to be friendly. Your words are pretty blunt too. I'm an unfunny jerk. In my experience that was something a friend would say, good natured ribbing. What a jerk I am for assuming anyone here is my friend. Thanks for bringing me back (mentally) to high school. Maybe you can tell a real funny joke and then punch me in the face for having the nerve to laugh at it. Or perhaps set me up on a date so they can stand me up and we can all have a real good laugh about it later. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go sit at the nerd table to eat my lunch and watch the nerds move to a different table.

I'm sorry I crapped up your thread, but I like your truck.
Originally Posted by Early Cuyler
Fights begin, fingerprints are took, days is lost, bail is made, court dates are ignored, cycle is repeated.
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