Re: 71 K20 Idaho Edition
Well the back is feeling better after a few acupuncture treatments and I was able to get back out in the shop early this afternoon. next up on the plate is getting the two front fenders into primer and paint along with hood. I usually hang the fenders from wires in the garage and have had good success, but this time I wanted to put together a little paint tree that will be adjustable for how high you can go and be able to pull the uprights out so it makes it easy for storing when not in use.
Put together this version so I can bolt two fenders onto the outriggers and also at the bottom back of the fender for stability. I can raise the height up to about 16" higher than it sits in the picture which as at about 3'6", so at max height of 5'. I will also add some welded on washers across the top to allow for paint wires for other small parts like hinges, cowl, glove box, a board with several bolt heads, etc. I am working on another slide in adapter for upright for the doors to be attached by the hinges.
Some if all goes well I will have a few more paint pictures coming soon, then I will be tearing down the interior for paint prep.