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Old 02-10-2021, 12:25 AM   #1529
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Re: ChevyLand ‘The Truck Photo Tour’

I wish I had pictures of the guy I sold it to
We made a deal..
He was to fly into Oakland from LA
I loaded the truck on my trailer to meet him in the parking lot at the airport
The dude walked up
In a nice slacks, shirt, dress shoes
A man purse
He was nervous I was going to screw him
So he wanted to go to DMV to do the transaction
He jumped in and I drove him to Oakland DMV
By the time we got there he was starting to change his mind
And wanted it for less money
So I said, see you later
I think I drove him to a mall or something
Then he rechanged his mind
I was getting tired of It so I said
Show me the money
Most of it came out of the man purse
Then he started digging into his socks
And some holster thing he Had under his shirt.
All green
We drove back to DMV
Learned about his family
And he was going to frame off the truck
This was before COVID
I’ll never forget it, we waited in line for a while
Got to the counter and were helped by most beautiful black woman
I have ever seen in my life
But she was wearing surgical gloves.
Asked her why, but she wasn’t very nice
And just collected his money
By the time we were done
There was a tow truck outside
I rolled the truck off the trailer
Told man purse man to drive it over to the tow truck
Said he couldn’t
Because he didn’t know how to drive a stick shift
So I did

Never heard from him again
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