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Old 02-25-2021, 08:34 PM   #16
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Re: Straight pipe or cherry bombs. 6cyl

To the OP: you should certainly get what you want be it loud or not because believe me, I get it. I loved the sound of Porter Steel-Paks as I banged thru the gears..... but now that we have kind of turned this discussion a bit toward quiet and loud, I thought I'd add something else. When I made my truck quiet, I was able to really dial in my distributor curve since I could now hear the motor pinging off the line when I lugged the clutch. (Maybe it was pinging a bit all that time, but I never heard it until I finally went quiet.) I then bought a timing tape for my balancer and really dialed my distributor by taking a couple degrees off the initial and bringing the mechanical in earlier. I would have never thought of doing that with my glasspacks because, well, it was to loud to really hear the actual motor. All I heard was the exhaust. The ponies I gained in the timing curve more than offset any loss caused by the quiet exhaust. Also as a secondary bonus to the new mufflers, I now hear cars coming up on my flank when going down the freeway.
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