Thread: Restoring Rusty
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Old 03-13-2021, 02:48 PM   #6386
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Re: Restoring Rusty


Three young ropes want to buy some beer at a local bar.

The first rope goes in and asks for a drink and the bartender asks, "Are you a rope?"

To which the rope replies, "yeah I am"

"Sorry we don't serve ropes here. You'll have to leave." the bartender replies

The second rope goes man why did you have to tell him and heads inside and asks for a drink and the bartender asks, "Are you a rope?"

He says, "no" but the bartender asks him for some ID and says "It says here you're a rope, and we don't serve ropes here. You'll have to leave."

The third rope ties himself in a knot and undoes his top braid a bit and ruffles it up. He goes in and asks for a drink. The bartender asks, "Say, aren't you a rope?"

He replies, "I'm a frayed knot."
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