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Old 04-01-2021, 10:39 PM   #14
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Re: Take the old off or leave it on ,that's my question

Originally Posted by GOPAPA View Post
Do you think it safe enough from wind if you put Architectural shingles on top of a old roof of Architectural shingles?
for wind protection the shingles need to seal to each other to prevent wind lift.
as stated it's not a very smooth surface (double laminated) but if you live in a pretty warm climate, they would get hot and soft enough to seal despite roughness.
in 60-65 degree weather it will take about a month for them to seal. in northern climes it can take longer meaning more chance for the wind to get under them. as we install them in the winter in freezing or near freezing, we put a tab of fiber cement under the shingles to hold them down until warm weather can seal them up.
would also use an 1 1/2" roofing nails too, anything shorter thru 2 layers of laminate opens you up to the wind again.
would also try to stagger the new rows from the old, wouldn't try line them up
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