Thread: Why???
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Old 04-14-2021, 10:11 AM   #46
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Re: Why???

a friend is a therapist and his opinion is, you can avoid most conflict in your life by avoiding the type of person who starts every sentence with "I". as an example if you say "It sure is hot today" and someone says "I dont mind the heat", bam, right there, red flag. you didnt ask, but they are telling you, usually because no one asks. its tougher when you are married to or related to, but he says if they have more "me"s than a choir or "I"s than a spider, YOU are living in THEIR world and not the other way around.

as an interesting aside, he also told me that he can usually tell whats wrong with 75% of his patients in the first 15 minutes but cant tell them because they arent ready to hear it, it takes dozens of ($300) appts before they are ready. hmmm.

its tough when you are on a forum or when you are at a show and minding your own business and someone starts with the "what I would have done" or "I would never do that" and calls you cheap or lazy when they havent finished anything in years. you can see whats wrong right away but you have to refrain from telling them, even if it will make you feel better (and you arent making $300).

anyway, the lessons suggested are: think about others before you go spouting off, isnt there a golden rule something like that? do what you like (doowhatchoolyke) and if someone doesnt like it, well, then they can do what they like.
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