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Old 04-15-2021, 07:05 AM   #1136
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Re: GRIZZ’s ‘79 - 2WD BLAZER Challenge over in London, England. “~It’s not a Project

Originally Posted by LT7A View Post
Interesting since as you said, he is former military. I didn't assume any disrespect, figured that he was either unaware, or it just didn't occur to him. I love my country but I am not super intense about these types of things. I don't even know when or where I learned it, but it is firmly embedded. I went to the Rose Bowl several years ago when my University team was playing. You are startlingly familiar with things in the US, but just in case, this is American football and pits two teams against each other who are at the top of their particular geographical region. The opposing team had a giant American flag for use during their part of the halftime display. It was large enough to cover a significant portion of the field when all spread out and held by the drill members. Before they used it in their display though, they staged it along the edge of the field...on the ground. And after having deposited it in such a fashion, some of them proceeded to kick it where it had spread out a little bit, in order to bunch it up and get it out of the way. Like I said, I am not Mr. extra-double protocol guy, but I found that disturbing. On the ground? No. Kicking it? Oh no.
Originally Posted by LT7A View Post
That's a good question. I like your idea of displaying them. They certainly do have a lot of character. At first I was thinking one could just fold them up and toss them out. Don't think one would need to keep them around. But probably, proper disposal is by privately burning them so that they would not be seen in the trash or be pulled out and defaced in some way. Funny, I'm not super concerned about people who want to burn the flag publicly. In a way, they're giving it more gravity by making a spectacle out of it. I just hope they support our economy by buying one made in the US. If it wasn't made in the US, is their statement really valid anyway? Ha! And as soon as they've safely put the fire out I would encourage them to move somewhere they think is so much better.
Originally Posted by LT7A View Post
You got me curious:

The U.S. Flag Code says, “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” When an American flag is worn beyond repair, it should be retired in a respectful manner.

And even more interesting, and from a reputable source:

Thank you for the replies.

Really well thought through, and I am certainly 100% with you on not being an Extra-Double Protocol type, but do prefer things to just be right.

Your third entry really makes it clear and I would reference it in future in fact.

Thanks for posting the link too.

I may not be an American, but I do subscribe to so many of your values, many which have been lost over time.

And the flags on display make me feel a bit more at home here in England. Reminding me of my love for many things, American.
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