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Old 04-18-2021, 03:02 PM   #247
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The British are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Well with 6 weeks left until the end of May, and my target of having Woody back on his feet with the chassis DONE, I am trying to make progress each weekend with a few hours in the garage in-between house, family and garden chores.

So... what did you achieve this week then Big Boi?

Glad you asked! problem is nowhere near as much as I would have liked...

Spent a couple of hours cleaning nuts, bolts and washers and giving them the once over with a can of Zinc spray I have pretty much all of the hardware done, now when it comes time to bolting the front and rear suspension on, I am good to go.

Not a very pleasant job and managed to to destroy my fingers in the process. Good job I don't gave a desk job... oh...hold on....

Wanted to get the brace loosely bolted place so I could get the chassis down off the tall stands and true it all up. After struggling for nearly an hour #3 son came to the rescue and in the space of 30 minutes we had the brace in place.

Pretty sure that there would have been no way I could do this by myself so he has earned his board and lodgings for another week...

Chassis is very heavy now but way more rigid even with everything being only loosely bolted in place. Seems logical really... Got everything held together with ratchet straps and got it down off the tall stands so that was one of the goals for the weekend achieved!

Next step is to bolt the front crossmember back in place, level everything up and then start tightening the brace up.

Actually got a real feeling of 'at last' as there is now proper forward motion on the project.

So, what's next?

Everyone like a list so lets get the virtual piece of cardboard out so I can start to tick items off

  • Run fuel return line
    Clean and paint front control arms, shock mounts and rear axle
    Reassemble front suspension and sort out ride height
    Reassemble rear suspension and sort out ride height
    Plumb in brakes once axles in place
    ]Fit fuel tank
    Fit engine mounts
    Fit engine
    Build exhaust system
    Rebuild steering - more of this below
    Build battery box
    Fit front and rear bumpers

About the steering... My current steering box is a bit worn so decided to splash out and buy a reman box from RedHead who have received rave reviews from everybody that has used them. Problem is that they don't stock steering box's for C10's so you have to send them in a box to be rebuilt. Not a problem if you are in teh States but when in the UK that becomes a bit of a mission.

Tried to buy steering box's from eBay and Craigslist in the States and get that shipped to SF (where RedHead are based) but either nobody wanted to ship or the mark up for sorting out shipment was prohibitive.

Enter my knight in shining armour!

Mr Riverstory of this very Parish not only has a box BUT is willing to ship it for me. Huzzah!

Really appreciate this so hopefully will be able to achieve my end of May target date.

Until the next time...


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...

Last edited by Paul Y; 04-18-2021 at 03:08 PM.
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