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Old 08-21-2021, 05:38 PM   #1
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Posts: 369
1966 custom cab short

Bored at work today figured I’d start a thread about my latest build . 66 c10 custom cab short fleet . I’m going to try to keep this one as original as possible unlike the other two I’ve built with ls engines , turbo and lowered etc . The truck was really all original so going to keep it that way . Leaving the outer paint as much as possible. I still luv the old paint/patina look. Maybe one day this one will get full paint when I retire .
I bought truck out of Sacramento last year and ended up getting it shipped up because of covid . The cab was in really good shape In the lower areas but after blasting a lot of cab I seen rot in upper areas . I was kinda surprised coming from California I figured it would of been drier.
Anyways here’s some pics of build. I started on all the mechanical early winter and the metal work in late January I think . Haven’t worked on it as much at all this summer but getting back at it again. It’s coming along and all the hard dirty work is pretty much done
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