Thread: 47-55.1 Long Time Coming......
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Old 01-21-2022, 09:11 PM   #2
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Re: Long Time Coming......

With the bed back on after the boxing plates and suspension was installed I was able to make the mounts for the bed and play with the rolled pan some.

This is all still in the mock up phase and I will post more about it when I get back to it. I got a rolled ban and very quickly mounted it for an initial look. At first glance I liked it, but it was also very bland and just kind of blah. So I grabbed a tape measure and a Sharpie and started taking some measurements, then came the die grinder and cutting discs. I started with a "flowing" relief cut from about 2" down from the top and roughly 18" across. and then tapered each side to the bottom. I then tipped in the trimmed piece inward creating about a 2" step. If you look all I used here was some 3M green tape to fill in the gap to get a sense of it all.

The question now was.... where do I mount the license plate. At first I just help it up against the pan, but the flat plate hanging off the rolled pan looked stupid to me, like it was an afterthought. So I taped it where I wanted it, then grabbed some poster board and made a surround for the plate that filled in the gaps.

So this is where I am right now. I walked away and look at it from time to time trying to decide what to do. Do I proceed and finish it all out in metal then body work it and paint? Do I tweak it in some way? Or do I change it upon completely or go so far as to weld it back up as it was??

What are your thoughts on where it is heading? The most important part of visualizing this is what will it look like all painted and with the truck on the ground. It is hard being a different color and such to visualize sometimes.

The first pic before installing the rolled pan. Definitely need to put something here to hide some of that tank.

1951 3100, Area51
1955 BelAir, 4EVER17
1987 R10, Ethel
Copper Hill Rod & Custom
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