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Old 02-10-2022, 12:29 PM   #18
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Re: Rear driveline vibration

It's either 1 spline off or 180 degrees and 1 spline. When the shaft was built and balanced it was not welded together 2 teeth off to make it close. U-joints were in phase with each other. If it vibrates in either place you'll need to take to a shop and have it re-balanced or something is loose in the CV. Look at the slip where welded to the tube and closely at the sliding part. Most driveline shops will have a marker like a line, couple of dots, arrow etc. marking both pieces where it should be for instances like this. PLUS the pinion (in the 3rd pic) is too high. 1st pic looks correct. It needs to come down about 4 degrees or more (2'' ish). Under load, the pinion is going to climb higher than that. Pinion needs to point at the bottom of the t-case yoke so when it climbs it points directly at the center. Make sure the rear u-bolts are the correct size and torqued down to specs

Last edited by kwmech; 02-10-2022 at 12:39 PM.
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