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Old 02-28-2022, 09:02 PM   #10
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Re: HG's Dream Car Build - Shelby Cobra Kit

Originally Posted by Keith Seymore View Post
I heartily endorse your project, and I'll be following along -

- But -

promise me you will be careful.

I had a family friend get killed while test driving a Cobra he was building. It got away from him and he went through a split rail fence and died on the scene. My buddy that was riding with him emerged unscathed physically but is still messed up mentally from it.

I need to mention - this guy was no slouch. He was a locally reknown racer and race car builder so that made it even more surprising and terrifying.

So - let's be careful out there.

Oh I hear you and fully understand. I see a lot of builds going on by guys in there 50's and 60's who have NEVER handled high HP in ANY car and since this is their dream they are going balls out with turbos, superchargers, etc. and the reality is a stock 302 sbf would scare the crap out of them in a 2200 lb car. They will end up not driving it and selling it. My 2017 Camaro SS is crazy fast and beyond my abilities to drive it to it's potential. This will have about a 50% higher HP to weight ratio.

Sorry about your friend. I'll try not to add to the death toll. I'm really hoping that I love it and it's not one of those "Don't meet your heroes" scenarios.
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