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Old 08-30-2022, 10:21 AM   #4
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Re: One wire alternator

I put a 1-wire Jegs alternator on mine and haven't had any issues so far:

The downside to a 1-wire is that it has to see a certain RPM to self-excite before it starts charging. Jegs says theirs requires a lower RPM, but I find that it takes 10-15 seconds before voltage will go up from 12V to 14V to show it's charging.

The upside is less wiring/cleaner engine bay, but you should remove the old wiring as well.

I don't know if it will bolt into the stock bracket either, I moved mine to the passenger side so it's closer to the battery and ran 2AWG cable. I still haven't cleaned up the original wiring, I just cut the ends off, wrapped it in electrical tape, and tucked it away for now.
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