Thread: 47-55.1 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum
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Old 05-09-2023, 05:33 PM   #144
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Re: 55.1 S10 swap Gypsum

oh fast is my middle name. although my first name is procrastinate

so finishing things. the passenger bed rail had a big wallop in it, I looked for picture of it but it must be so offensive to me that I avoided taking one. the bed rail was smashed down from a tree or something and it was almost touching the bed. I came up with a plan to fix it after the bed was installed (always do tomorrow what you dont want to do today) and with the truck imminent to be on the "for sale" corner of the driveway it was now or never.

never sounded ok but then my wife walked by in a breeze of sunglasses and coconut SPF and said flatly "I thought you were going to fix that."

i called my neighbor butch, he has one of everything in his garage and I needed a 3.5" hook for my plan. no dice, he was on his way out of town. so I said oh well what the hell and just made one. 5 circles and a line, 30 seconds of design, 30 seconds on the table.

perfect first time.

"but russ" I can somewhat implausibly hear you saying "wont the bed side get pulled up and bent by the chain fall, bending it out of shape?"

aha, but you see I thought of that too, and ratchet strapped it to the axle through the stake pockets. maybe next time you will believe in me and keep your questions more pertinent.

viola! a panel beater or someone with more time can make it perfect but its already a thousand times better.

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