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Old 12-10-2023, 02:22 PM   #11
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Re: More on EVs from a guy trying to sell them

just don't understand the negativity of americans towards ev's. especially as gearheads, how can you not like something that goes 0-60 in 3 seconds?
not saying you have to buy or like an ev, but their not being shoved down anybody's throat, you can buy an ice car anytime, anywhere. they have their place, just as ice cars have there's.
as a owner and lover of a bbc, i wish they would sell more ev's, if enough get sold, gas loses it's value and the price comes down-simple economics.
for the majority of trips people make everyday (100 miles or less) ev's are fine, want to go further, drive your ice car. i see ev's as a good complement to ice cars, not a replacement
although ev sales are not that great in the us, they are selling very good in the rest of the world, which again, means 20 million less cars today buying gas, meaning more gas for those of us that drive 5 mpg bbc's
i'm not going to debate driving range, battery life or how much pollution is created making ev's cause ice cars are just as if not more dirty, i just don't see the reason for all the negativity, as before, don't like em, don't buy one-easy peasy.
would i buy an ev car? no, i haven't owned a car in close to 40 yrs, i'm a truck guy. but if i had enough money, i would definitely have an ev hummer parked next to the 454 crewcab in my driveway.
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