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Old 12-10-2023, 04:58 PM   #4
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Re: More on EVs from a guy trying to sell them

Originally Posted by 68bowtie View Post
Not correct. In California we now have a law that makes it illegal to buy ICE vehicles. It will be phased in starting in 2026, zero ICE sales in 2035.
Originally Posted by MikeB View Post
1. Governments forcing us to buy them. And taxpayers giving rebates to buyers!
2. Price premium over standard cars and trucks
3. Range anxiety on long distance trips -- The distance between charging stations, having to wait in line when you get there, and then hoping the charger(s) there work.
4. Rolling blackouts coming to your neighborhood soon.

On another note, while quick 0-60 times are cool, is that kind of acceleration needed for daily drivers, mom's SUV, work trucks, etc? Also, driving like that significantly affects an EV's already limited range.

But other than that...
i see chicken little yelling the sky is falling.
anybody anywhere in north america can still buy ice cars. they will never be "illegal". even CA 2035 rule still allows ice cars. and i ain't seen no gov anywhere holding a gun to my head and telling me kind of vehicle i have to buy.
i would be curious as to how many board members actually have bought a new car in the last couple yrs. guarentee the majority of vehicles bought by board members are used, so why even worry about whatever is going to happen in 10-20-30 yrs down the road if your not even buying new cars now.

as to "rebates", i'm old enough to remember rebates for switching ice cars to propane or NG, old enough to remember rebates given to homeowners to upgrade to hi efficiency furnaces or appliances, rebates are not exclusive to just ev's.
and ya, there more expensive right now as the technology grows and improves, just like when ice cars came out a 100 yrs ago, or better airplanes for travel or safer nuclear power....
never said to get rid of ice, i say there a complement to ice, for short travel there sufficent, longer travel, ice. where i live you can't go more than 10 miles and you hit a charger. 90% of all new home construction we do, home chargers are pretty much standard. we didn't get a gas station on every corner in just 20 yrs, give it some time
blackouts? naw, most power companies are upgrading or will be upgrading their infrastructure to meet demand...just like we drill more oil wells to meet demand. hydro power and nuclear can easily make up any future demands.
i suspect the animosity towards ev's is more political than practical, like i said, why would gearheads dump on something that saves more fuel for the ice vehicles we restore and drive
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