Thread: Tire Pressure ?
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Old 09-08-2004, 07:18 PM   #15
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Columbus OH
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More pressure reduces the flexing and so reduces the heat buildup. More pressure also reduces rolling resistance which improves gas mileage.
Only up to the point of Max pressure. Over pressurizing a tire is hard on them too. You lose tread contact with the road. You prematurely wear the center tread area.

You don't necessarily need to run a max pressure at all times but I wouldn't go more than 10-15% below that though.

aesj2....When you call someone out like that
The only bad advice is from Longhorn Man.
You had better be 100% correct in your statements...And to be blunt about it You are NOT.
If you own a newer car or truck go out to it and look inside the drivers door for the tire label.
It is well known the the Explorer thing is a Ford (underinflation recommendation) problem, not the tire's fault.

More air can mean more heat which will mean more pressure.
Again, not so.......LOW pressure causes higher temperatures.

I stand by my original statement "Too much tire" the is no need for an E rated tire and I wouldn't run it underinflated to soften the ride. It's a band-aid on a broken arm.
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