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Old 09-12-2004, 01:40 AM   #2
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
Posts: 2,693
I just got's about 1:30 in the morning....had a great time. Attendance was down, and a few of us had to drive non-cool trucks, but the trucks that showed up were VERY nice.
Last year, there were a bunck of Longhorns, and short wheelbase trucks...this year, they were all LWB, with one SWB and 2 blaxzers thrown one burb for good measure.
Like always, I don't remember most of the names....heck, after falling asleep in my car with a can of POR15 that got poured into the trunk (I shouldn't launch the thing so hard ) I hardly remember MY name. POR is some nasty stuff...I woke up feelin drunk and falling all over my junk.
yup...good times.
Lets see....2 trips to the hardware store...80 miles, one way from here to there, 45 miles...never pulled over by the man...12 cans of bottle too, 2 scared passengers in the stinkin lincoln...(they said 85 is too fast on the 2 lane black top...with hills and turns ) One almost had the p!ss scared out of him...I won't say your name....but we all know who you are. I'm thinking about 17 ppl (including spouces) or so showed up.
I have about 50 pics or so i need to D/L into another y'all will have to wait untill I roll my dead @ss out of bed.

Mike and Rhonda... Mucho Grassy-ass (inside had to be there)...had a great time, looking forward to it next year.
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