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Old 04-11-2002, 02:38 PM   #33
'72 Cheyenne Super
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Puyallup, WA USA!!
Posts: 85

Longhorn Al hit it right on the head. Why complain about the oil companies making money. Isn't that why they're in business? Think of how cheap a gallon of gas would be once you take away state and federal taxes (which seem to get raised with frightening regularity). That's why Commiefornia has some of the highest gas prices in the country! The left coast is populated by many chicken littles screaming about pollution and finite resources and every other fashionable snivel in an effort to try to curtail your driving/recreational habits. Pollution? A single volcanic eruption pukes more pollutants into the atmosphere in a week than all the man-made, polluting inventions since the industrial revolution. Finite resources? C'mon, does anybody really believe that, emotions aside? The only finite resource is a liberal mind that believes that we could pollute ourselves into non-existence, or drain the earth of all it's bountiful resources. The only crying shame in all of this is that we voluntarily choose to remain at the mercy of OPEC nations, many of whose members would like to see us disappear. Quit sniveling about the environment, start drilling in ANWAR, oust the louts who are usurping your hard earned income by continually voting for new and bigger taxes, and enjoy prosperity!
Forget fighting gas companies, fight bigger government and increased taxes!!
'72 Cheyenne Super 4x4, 468ci, 700R4, Import Stomper.
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