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Old 06-24-2012, 06:27 PM   #34
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Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by saa View Post
Most people don't get to do this - but if you can, here's how to create a DD from a classic.

Work backwards. Start with the Classics section on NADA's value guide and research trucks that you like. The years, models, etc. Find a year and model that you want to drive, and that values well in the condition of the DD.

This means that you're NOT going to spend money on it like it's the Queen of Sheba (Sheba... is that spelled right?) Anyway, buy a solid truck that you've choosen, with comparable values that make sense, and spend in the range of the values given.

It's not that tough. I can buy a '72 Chevy to drive in more than fine shape, and likely drop in a crate engine, if need be, for what they have in values.

Then insure and drive. Save your classic truck for after work, and yes, you can still drive it everyday! AFTER work. It's covered at agreed value, yet you drive a classic truck as your DD.

Now, before you crucify me with the "not everyone can afford two trucks"; I understand. I didn't say this was everyone's solution, however, in defense of the strategy: Look at 10 signatures on this website. If you can find two out of ten, on average, that only yell out one truck's model and spec's - I'd be surprised. So most of us can swing it. If you can't today, save a bit and you will.

Just one solution to the DD issues, and there are lots more given some thought and research. I guess that marks my $.02.
will not work...
hagardy going to insure my truck.. and my 1984 fiero is my (fair weather daily) I can not insure my 86 SS because my daily is 20 years old..
one daily per lic driver and must be newer than 20 years old..
I have the paperwork to insure my truck again on counter.. as I'm taking it off liberty mutual..
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