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Old 04-29-2018, 10:29 AM   #66
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Location: Salem, Alabama
Posts: 65
Re: Matt's 1970 C10 Thread

Well it has been an interesting weekend to say the least...

***Warning: Mostly non-truck related post.***

Yesterday began with my son's baseball game. He is playing his second year of coach pitch and has really done great this season. He is understanding the basic idea of the game what his role consists of playing first base.

We played his cousin's team yesterday and it was a very good game. My son made an awesome play in catching a pop fly (that his cousin hit) and getting him out. He then threw the ball to 2nd to get two other base runners out. Triple play for my son's team! It was amazing.

Here's a picture of me and him with the game ball:

So my family including my wife and two other children go to lunch to celebrate with my son. On the way back home, we stop to pickup my car that I left at the fields. My wife had an appointment that morning, so we had to drive separate. Anyways, the kids rode with her and I drove by myself.

We took the highway home and were next to each other. She was in right lane, I was in left lane. At almost 80 MPH an elderly lady thought it would be a good idea to pull out onto the highway with us only a few car lengths away. Luckily she pulled out and crossed both lanes and got into my lane. If not my wife and three kids would have rear-ended her. Instead, I rear-ended her. Here's the damage:

I'm okay and the driver was okay. Her passenger was acting very suspicious. Turns out he had warrants and was arrested. There was a 3 year old girl in the back seat. She was sitting in a car seat but not buckled, and the car seat itself was not buckled. I think she was fine, but her parents showed up and took her to the ER just in case. Needless to say the driver was in trouble for that as well.

So now I'm waiting to see the verdict on my car, but I imagine it will be totaled.

Not sure what this means for work on the truck. May slow down for a minute, may not. We will see.

I did get home and play around a little to relieve some stress. Got the driver side suspension broke down. Took a lot of hammering with the pickle fork, but it finally gave up and broke loose.

My Build thread:
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